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Federal Tax Breaks Restored

As summer approaches, you may be thinking about hiring one or more of your children to work in the family business. It can be a good move for both you and your child. You could benefit from a reduction in taxes, while your child has a chance to earn a paycheck and develop valuable workplace skills.

Standard Mileage Rates for 2016

As summer approaches, you may be thinking about hiring one or more of your children to work in the family business. It can be a good move for both you and your child. You could benefit from a reduction in taxes, while your child has a chance to earn a paycheck and develop valuable workplace skills.

All in the Family Tax 2016

As summer approaches, you may be thinking about hiring one or more of your children to work in the family business. It can be a good move for both you and your child. You could benefit from a reduction in taxes, while your child has a chance to earn a paycheck and develop valuable workplace skills.

Congress Extends Many Tax Breaks

At the end of last year, Congress continued its tradition of passing an “extender package.” Typically, the year-end packages extend various tax benefits for one year only, but this most recent legislation — the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 — extended many benefits for longer periods, and in some cases, permanently.